Phone: +27 12 420 4396
Email: mrobertson@zoology.up.ac.za
Office: 2-1.8, First Floor, Geography Building
University of Pretoria
cnr Lynnwood Road and Roper Street
Hatfield, Pretoria
South Africa
Prof. Mark Robertson
BSc (hons), PhD Rhodes University
I am currently a lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria. I am interested in biological invasions, species distributions, community ecology and the role that invertebrates play in ecosystem processes.
I teach a 3rd year module in community ecology (ZEN 353) which has a field trip to Sani Pass, an important site for my research. I teach an honours module entitled Global Climate Change and Biodiversity (ZEN 783), which explores some of the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on biodiversity. I teach part of the practical component of a biometry module (BME 780), which covers essential theory and practical aspects of statistical analysis for biologists and is taken mainly by honours students. The practical component of this module has a strong focus on the use of R statistical software. The learning R page includes some software tools for learning how to use R.