


Biogeographical Variation in Termite Distributions Alters Global Deadwood Decay.

Law, S., Flores-Moreno, H., Parr, C., Adu-Bredu, S., Bunney, K., Cornwell, W., Evouna Ondo, F., Powell, J., Quansah, G., Robertson, M., Zanne, A. and Eggleton, P. 2024. Biogeographical Variation in Termite Distributions Alters Global Deadwood Decay. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Doi:10.1111/geb.13915



Context-Dependent Directional Effects of Termite Mounds on Soil Nutrients, Vegetation Communities, and Mammalian Foraging.

Davies, A.B., Levick, S.R., J. van Rensburg, B., Robertson, M.P., Parr, C.L. 2024. Context-Dependent Directional Effects of Termite Mounds on Soil Nutrients, Vegetation Communities, and Mammalian Foraging. Ecosphere 15(9): e4978. Dot: 10.1002/ecs2.4978



Quantifying the role of termite decomposition in a mesic savanna.

Bunney, K., Robertson, M., Eggleton, P., Twine, W.,  Parr, C. 2024. Quantifying the role of termite decomposition in a mesic savanna. Biotropica, e13333. Doi:10.1111/btp.13333










Scaling artificial light at night and disease vector interactions into socio-ecological systems: a conceptual appraisal.

Coetzee, B.W.T., Burke, A.M., Koekemoer, L.L., Robertson, M.P., Smit, I.P.J. 2023. Scaling artificial light at night and disease vector interactions into socio-ecological systems: a conceptual appraisal. Philosophical Transactions B, 378. Doi:10.1098/rstb.2022.0371



Dietary niche breadth and overlap of four sympatric southern African myrmecophagous mammal species, as inferred from the literature.

Pietersen, D.W., Robertson, M.P. 2023. Dietary niche breadth and overlap of four sympatric southern African myrmecophagous mammal species, as inferred from the literature. African Zoology, Doi:10.1080/15627020.2023.2231974.



An inventory of native-alien populations in South Africa.

Nelufule, T., Robertson, M.P., Wilson, J.R.U., Faulkner, K.T. 2023. An inventory of native-alien populations in South Africa. Scientific Data 10, pp 213. Doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02119-w



Indirect control of decomposition by an invertebrate predator.

Walker, A.E.L., Robertson, M.P., Eggleton, P., Bunney, K., Lamb, C., Fisher, A.M. and Parr, C.L. 2022. Indirect control of decomposition by an invertebrate predator. Functional Ecology. Doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14198



Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates.

Zanne, A.E., Flores-Moreno, H., Powell, J.R., Cornwell, W.K., et al. 2022. Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science 377, 6613, pp 1440-1444. Doi:10.1126/science.abo3856.



Drowning In Data, Thirsty for Information and Starved for Understanding: A Biodiversity Information Hub for Cooperative Environmental Monitoring In South Africa.

MacFadyen, S., Allsopp, N., Altwegg, R., Archibald, S., Botha, J., Bradshaw, K., Carruthers, J., et al. 2022. Drowning In Data, Thirsty for Information and Starved for Understanding: A Biodiversity Information Hub for Cooperative Environmental Monitoring In South Africa. Biological conservation, pp 109736. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109736



Native-alien populations—an apparent oxymoron that requires specific conservation attention.

Nelufule, T., Robertson, M.P., Wilson, J.R.U., Faulkner, K.T. 2022. Native-alien populations—an apparent oxymoron that requires specific conservation attention. NeoBiota 74, pp 57-74. Dos:10.3897/neobiota.74.8167



Co-existence Between Two Leaf-Feeding Biological Control Agents of Lantana camara Alters Their Herbivory Under Semi-field Conditions.

April, V., Simelane, D.O. & Robertson, M.P. 2021. Co-existence Between Two Leaf-Feeding Biological Control Agents of Lantana camara Alters Their Herbivory Under Semi-field Conditions. Neotropical Entomology. Doi:10.1007/s13744-021-00909-8





Tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae) in the pet trade in South Africa.

Shivambu, T.C., Shivambu, N., Lyle, R., Jacobs, A., Kumschick, S., Foord, S.H., Robertson, M.P. 2020. Tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae) in the pet trade in South Africa. African Zoology. Doi:10.1080/15627020.2020.1823879


Classifying the introduction pathways of alien species: are we moving in the right direction?

Faulkner, K.T., Hulme, P.E, Pagad, S., Wilson, J.R.U. and Robertson, M.P. 2020. Classifying the introduction pathways of alien species: are we moving in the right direction? Neobiota. 62: 143–159. doi:10.3897/neobiota.62.53543


Double trouble: The implications of climate change for biological invasions.

Robinson, T.B., Martin, N., Loureriro, T.G., Matikinca, P. and Robertson, M.P. 2020. Double trouble: The implications of climate change for biological invasions. Neobiota. 62: 463–487. doi:10.3897/neobiota.62.55729



Alnus glutinosa (Betulaceae) in South Africa: invasive potential and management options.

Keet, J-H., Robertson, M.P., Richardson, D.M. 2020. Alnus glutinosa (Betulaceae) in South Africa: invasive potential and management options. South African Journal of Botany 135, pp 280-293. Doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2020.09.009



The threats posed by the pet trade in alien terrestrial invertebrates in South Africa.

Nelufule, T., Robertson, M.P., Wilson, J.R.U., Faulkner, K.T., Sole, C., Kumschick, S. 2020.  The threats posed by the pet trade in alien terrestrial invertebrates in South Africa. Journal for Nature Conservation. Doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125831



South Africa’s Pathways of Introduction and Dispersal and How They Have Changed Over Time.

Faulkner, K.T., Burness, A., Byrne M.J., Kumschick, S., Peters, K., Robertson, M.P. 2020. South Africa’s Pathways of Introduction and Dispersal and How They Have Changed Over Time. In: van Wilgen B., Measey J., Richardson D., Wilson J., Zengeya T. (eds) Biological Invasions in South Africa. Invading Nature – Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, vol 14. Springer, Cham. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3_12



Education, Training and Capacity-Building in the Field of Biological Invasions in South Africa.

Byrne, M.J., du Plessis, D., Ivey, P.J., Measey, J., Robertson, M.P., Robinson, T.B., Weaver, K.N. 2020. Education, Training and Capacity-Building in the Field of Biological Invasions in South Africa. In: van Wilgen B., Measey J., Richardson D., Wilson J., Zengeya T. (eds) Biological Invasions in South Africa. Invading Nature – Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, vol 14. Springer, Cham. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3_25



The Role of Environmental Factors in Promoting and Limiting Biological Invasions in South Africa.

Wilson, J.R., Foxcroft, L.C., Geerts, S., Hoffman, M.T., MacFadyen, S., Measey, J., Mills, A., Richardson, D.M., Robertson, M.P., van Wilgen, B.W. 2020. The Role of Environmental Factors in Promoting and Limiting Biological Invasions in South Africa. In: van Wilgen B., Measey J., Richardson D., Wilson J., Zengeya T. (eds) Biological Invasions in South Africa. Invading Nature – Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, vol 14. Springer, Cham. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3_13



Stronger regional biosecurity is essential to prevent hundreds of harmful biological invasions.

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P. and Wilson, J.R. 2020. Stronger regional biosecurity is essential to prevent hundreds of harmful biological invasions. Global Change Biology.  doi:10.1111/gcb.15006


The historical distribution of megaherbivores does not determine the distribution of megafaunal fruit in southern Africa.

Bunney, K., Robertson, M., Bond, W. 2019. The historical distribution of megaherbivores does not determine the distribution of megafaunal fruit in southern Africa Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blz109



Thermoregulatory traits combine with range shifts to alter the future of montane ant assemblages.

Bishop, T.R., Parr, C.L., Gibb, H. van Rensburg, B.J., Braschler, B., Chown, S.L., Foord, S.H., Lamy, K., Munyai, T.C., Okey, I., Tshivhandekano, P.G., Werenkraut, V. and Robertson, M.P. 2019. Thermoregulatory traits combine with range shifts to alter the future of montane ant assemblages. Global Change Biology. 25: 2162–2173. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14622



Low levels of intraspecific trait variation in a keystone invertebrate group.

Gaudard, C. Robertson, M.P. Bishop, T.R. 2019. Low levels of intraspecific trait variation in a keystone invertebrate group. Oecologia.  190: 725–735. doi:10.1007/s00442-019-04426-9



Range contraction to a higher elevation: The likely future of southern Africa’s montane vegetation.

Bentley, L.K., Robertson, M.P. and Barker, N.P. 2019. Range contraction to a higher elevation: The likely future of southern Africa’s montane vegetation. Biodiversity and Conservation. 28:131-153. doi:10.1007/s10531-018-1643-6.



Bush encroachment slows decomposition and termite activity in an African savanna.

Leitner, M.E., Davies, A.B., Parr C.L., Eggleton, P., Robertson, M.P. 2018. Bush encroachment slows decomposition and termite activity in an African savanna. Global Change Biology. 24:2597-2606.  doi:10.1111/gcb.14118



The potential range of Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae; tree of heaven) in South Africa: the roles of climate, land use and disturbance.

Walker, G., Robertson, M.P., Gaertner, M., Gallien, L. and Richardson, D.M. 2017. The potential range of Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae; tree of heaven) in South Africa: the roles of climate, land use and disturbance. Biological Invasions. 19: 3675–3690. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1597-8


The importance of understanding shipping routes, ports, and seasonality when prioritising surveillance for alien organisms transported as stowaways.

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., Wilson, J.R.U. 2017. The importance of understanding shipping routes, ports, and seasonality when prioritising surveillance for alien organisms transported as stowaways. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0173340. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0173340



The balance of trade in alien species between South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Faulkner, K.T., Hurley, B.P., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., Wilson, J.R.U. 2017. The balance of trade in alien species between South Africa and the rest of Africa. Bothalia 47(2), a2157. doi:10.4102/abc.v47i2.2157



Coping with the cold: minimum temperatures and thermal tolerances dominate the ecology of mountain ants.

Bishop, T.R., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J. and Parr, C.L. 2017. Coping with the cold: minimum temperatures and thermal tolerances dominate the ecology of mountain ants. Ecological Entomology. 42: 105–114. doi:10.1111/een.12364



Plant species that invade high elevations are generalists: support for the directional ecological filtering hypothesis.

Steyn, C., Greve, M., Robertson, M.P., Kalwij, J.M., le Roux, P.C. 2017. Plant species that invade high elevations are generalists: support for the directional ecological filtering hypothesis. Journal of Vegetation Science. 28: 337–346. doi:10.1111/jvs.12477



The prognosis for Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae; tree of heaven) as an invasive species in South Africa; insights from its performance elsewhere in the world.

Walker, G., Gaertner, M., Robertson, M.P., Richardson, D.M. 2017. The prognosis for Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae; tree of heaven) as an invasive species in South Africa; insights from its performance elsewhere in the world. South African Journal of Botany. 112: 283-289. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2017.06.007



Trophic ecology and persistence of invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in an oligotrophic impoundment.

Lübcker, N., Dabrowski, J., Zengeya, T.A., Oberholster, P.J. Hall, G., Woodborne, S. and Robertson, M.P. 2016. Trophic ecology and persistence of invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in an oligotrophic impoundment. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 41: 399-411.  doi:10.2989/16085914.2016.1246356



An assessment of rehabilitation success in an African grassland using ants as bioindicators. 

Jamison, S.L., Robertson, M.P., Engelbrecht, I., Hawkes, P.G. 2016. An assessment of rehabilitation success in an African grassland using ants as bioindicators.  Koedoe. 58: 1-16.  doi:10.4102/koedoe.v58i1.1383



Ant assemblages have darker and larger members in cold environments.

Bishop, T.R., Robertson, M.P., Gibb, H., van Rensburg, B.J., Braschler, B.,  Chown, S.L., Foord, S., Munyai, C., Okey, I., Tshivhandekano, P., Werenkraut, V., Parr, C. 2016. Ant assemblages have darker and larger members in cold environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25: 1489-1499.  doi:10.1111/geb.12516



Border control for stowaway alien species should be prioritised based on variations in establishment debt.

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., Wilson, J.R.U. 2016. Border control for stowaway alien species should be prioritised based on variations in establishment debt. Journal of Environmental Management. 180: 301-309. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.05.023



Seasonal variation in the relative dominance of herbivore guilds in an African savanna.

Davies, A.B., van Rensburg, B.J., Robertson, M.P., Levick, S.R., Asner, G.P. & Parr, C.L. 2016. Seasonal variation in the relative dominance of herbivore guilds in an African savanna. Ecology. 97: 1618–1624. doi:10.1890/15-1905.1



Reconsidering Environmental Diversity (ED) as a biodiversity surrogacy strategy.

Engelbrecht, I., Robertson, M.P., Stolz, M., Joubert, J. & Anguelov, R. 2016. Reconsidering Environmental Diversity (ED) as a biodiversity surrogacy strategy. Biological Conservation. 197: 171-179. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2016.02.028



Predicted decrease in global climate suitability masks regional complexity of invasive fruit fly species response to climate change.

Hill, M.P., Bertelsmeier, C., Clusella-Trullas, S., Garnas, J., Robertson, M.P.  & Terblanche, J.S. 2016. Predicted decrease in global climate suitability masks regional complexity of invasive fruit fly species response to climate change. Biological Invasions. 18: 1105–1119. doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1078-5



Methods and approaches for management of arthropod border incursions.

Saccaggi, D.L. Karsten, M., Robertson, M.P., Kumschick, S., Wilson, J.R.U., Terblanche, S., Somers, M.J. & Liebhold, A.M. 2016. Methods and approaches for management of arthropod border incursions. Biological Invasions. 18: 1057–1075. doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1085-6



Evaluating habitat connectivity methodologies: a case study with endangered African wild dogs in South Africa.

Jackson, C.R., Marnewick, K., Lindsey, P.A., Røskaft, E. & Robertson, M.P. 2016. Evaluating habitat connectivity methodologies: a case study with endangered African wild dogs in South Africa. Landscape Ecology. 31: 1433–1447. doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0342-5



Understanding and managing the introduction pathways of alien taxa: South Africa as a case study.

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., & Wilson, J.R.U. 2016.  Understanding and managing the introduction pathways of alien taxa: South Africa as a case study. Biological Invasions.  18: 73-87.  doi:10.1007/s10530-015-0990-4



Biogeo: an R package for assessing and improving data quality of occurrence record datasets.

Robertson, M.P., Visser, V., Hui, C. 2016. Biogeo: an R package for assessing and improving data quality of occurrence record datasets. Ecography. 39: 394-401. doi:10.1111/ecog.02118



Invasion debt —quantifying future biological invasions.

Rouget, M., Robertson, M.P., Wilson, J.R.U, Hui, C. & Richardson, D.M. 2015. Invasion debt —quantifying future biological invasions. Diversity and Distributions. 22: 445-456.  doi:10.1111/ddi.12408



Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation.

Pauchard, A., Albihn, A., Alexander, J., Burgess, T., Daehler, C., Essl, F., Evengard, B., Greenwood, G., Haider, S., Lenoir, J., McDougall, K., Milbau, A., Muths E., Nuñez, M. Olofsson, J., Pellissier, L., Rabitsch, W., Rew, L., Robertson, M.P.,  Sanders, N., Kueffer, K. 2015.  Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation. Biological Invasions. 18: 345–353.  doi:10.1007/s10530-015-1025-x


Annual monitoring reveals rapid upward movement of exotic plants in a montane ecosystem.

Kalwij, J., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J. 2015. Annual monitoring reveals rapid upward movement of exotic plants in a montane ecosystem. Biological Invasions. 17: 3517–3529.  doi:10.1007/s10530-015-0975-3



Termite mounds differ in their importance for herbivores across savanna types, seasons and spatial scales.

Davies, A.B., Levick, S.R., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J., Asner, G.P. & Parr, C.L. 2015. Termite mounds differ in their importance for herbivores across savanna types, seasons and spatial scales. Oikos. 125: 726–734. doi:10.1111/oik.02742



Contrasting species and functional beta diversity in montane ant communities.

Bishop, T., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J., Parr, C.L. 2015. Contrasting species and functional beta diversity in montane ant communities. Journal of Biogeography. 42, 1776–1786.  doi:10.1111/jbi.12537



An assessment of the information content of South African alien species databases. 

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., Wilson, J.R.U., Spear, D. 2015.  An assessment of the information content of South African alien species databases.  African Biodiversity and Conservation. 45: doi:10.4102/abc.v45i1.1103



A prickly situation: a global review of cactus introductions and invasions.

Novoa, A., Le Roux, J., Robertson, M.P., Wilson J.R.U., Richardson, D.M. 2014. A prickly situation: a global review of cactus introductions and invasions. AoB Plants. 7: plu078. doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu078



A simple, rapid methodology for developing invasive species watch lists.

Faulkner, K.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., & Wilson, J.R.U. 2014.  A simple, rapid methodology for developing invasive species watch lists. Biological Conservation. 179: 25–32.  doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2014.08.014



Elevation-diversity patterns through space and time: ant communities of the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains of southern Africa.

Bishop, T., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J., Parr, C.L. 2014. Elevation-diversity patterns through space and time: ant communities of the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains of southern Africa. Journal of Biogeography. 41: 2256-2268.  doi:10.1111/jbi.12368



Predicting the potential distribution of invasive silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in southern Africa.

Lübcker, N., Zengeya, T.A., Dabrowski, J., Robertson, M.P. 2014.  Predicting the potential distribution of invasive silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in southern Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science. 39: 157–165. doi:10.2989/16085914.2014.926856



Variable effects of termite mounds on African savanna grass communities across a rainfall gradient.

Davies, A.B., Robertson, M.P., Levick, S.R., Asner, G.P., van Rensburg, B.J., Parr, C.L. 2014. Variable effects of termite mounds on African savanna grass communities across a rainfall gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science. 25: 1405–1416. doi:10.1111/jvs.12200



Invasion trajectory of alien trees: the role of introduction pathway and planting history.

Donaldson, J., Hui, C., Richardson, D.M., Robertson, M.P., Webber, B.L., Wilson, J.R.U. 2014. Invasion trajectory of alien trees: the role of introduction pathway and planting history. Global Change Biology. 20: 1527-1537. doi:10.1111/gcb.12486



Spatial variability and abiotic determinants of termite mounds throughout a savanna catchment.

Davies, A.B., Levick, S.R., Asner, G.P., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J., Parr, C.L. 2014. Spatial variability and abiotic determinants of termite mounds throughout a savanna catchment. Ecography. 37: 1-11. doi:10.1111/ecog.00532



A standardized set of metrics to assess and monitor tree invasions.

Wilson, J.R.U, Caplat, P., Dickie, I., Hui, C. Maxwell, B.D., Nuñez, M.A., Pauchard, A., Rejmánek, M., Richardson, D.M., Robertson, M.P., Spear, D., Webber, B.L., van Wilgen, B.W., Zenni, R.D. 2014. A standardized set of metrics to assess and monitor tree invasions. Biological Invasions. 16: 535-551.  doi:10.1007/s10530-013-0605-x



Spatially explicit estimation of data quality in large-scale species distribution datasets.

Kalwij, J.M., Robertson, M.P., Ronk, A., Zobel, M. Pärtel, M. 2014. Spatially explicit estimation of data quality in large-scale species distribution datasets. PlosOne. 9(1): e85306.  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085306



Forestry trial data can be used to evaluate climate-based species distribution models in predicting tree invasions.

Motloung, R.F., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., & Wilson, J.R.U. 2014. Forestry trial data can be used to evaluate climate-based species distribution models in predicting tree invasions. NeoBiota. 20: 31–48. doi:10.3897/neobiota.20.5778



Mapping bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) infestations in Pinus patula plantations using hyperspectral imagery and Support Vector Machines.

Atkinson, J. T., Ismail, R. & Robertson, M.P. 2014. Mapping bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) infestations in Pinus patula plantations using hyperspectral imagery and Support Vector Machines. Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 7: 17-28.  doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2257988



Ecological niche modeling of the invasive potential of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in African river systems: concerns and implications for the conservation of indigenous congenerics.

Zengeya, T., Robertson, M.P., Booth, A.J. & Chimimba, C.T. 2013. Ecological niche modeling of the invasive potential of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in African river systems: concerns and implications for the conservation of indigenous congenerics. Biological Invasions. 15: 1507–1521.  doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0386-7



A qualitative ecological risk assessment of the invasive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in a sub-tropical African river system (Limpopo River, South Africa).

Zengeya, T., Robertson, M.P., Booth, A.J. & Chimimba, C.T. 2013. A qualitative ecological risk assessment of the invasive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in a sub-tropical African river system (Limpopo River, South Africa). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 23: 51-64.  doi:10.1002/aqc.2258



Assessing local scale impacts of Opuntia stricta (Cactaceae) invasion on beetle and spider diversity in the Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Robertson, M.P., Harris, K.R., van Rensburg, B.J., Coetzee, J., Foxcroft, L., Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. 2011. Assessing local scale impacts of Opuntia stricta (Cactaceae) invasion on beetle and spider diversity in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. African Zoology. 46: 205-223.  doi:10.1080/15627020.2011.11407496



Interaction between Uroplata girardi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Ophiomyia camarae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on their shared host Lantana camara (Verbenaceae).

April, V., Robertson, M.P., Simelane, D.O. 2011. Interaction between Uroplata girardi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Ophiomyia camarae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on their shared host Lantana camara (Verbenaceae). Environmental Entomology. 40: 1123-1130. doi:10.1603/EN11027



Predicting sub-specific identity of invasions using distribution models: Acacia saligna as an example.

Thompson, G.D., Robertson, M.P., Webber, B.L., Richardson, D.M., Le Roux, J.J., & Wilson, J.R.U. 2011. Predicting sub-specific identity of invasions using distribution models: Acacia saligna as an example. Diversity and Distributions. 17: 1001-1014. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00820.x



Macroecology meets invasion ecology: linking native distribution of Australian acacias to invasiveness.

Hui, C., Richardson, D.M., Robertson, M.P., Wilson, J.R.U. & Yates, C.J. 2011. Macroecology meets invasion ecology: linking native distribution of Australian acacias to invasiveness. Diversity and Distributions. 17: 872-883. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00804.x



Human-mediated introductions of Australian acacias – a global experiment in biogeography.

Richardson, D.M., Carruthers, J., Hui, C., Impson, F.A.C., Miller, J.T., Robertson, M.P., Rouget, M., Le Roux, J.J. & Wilson, J.R.U. 2011. Human-mediated introductions of Australian acacias – a global experiment in biogeography. Diversity and Distributions. 17: 771-787.  doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00824.x



Ecological niche modelling of an invasive alien plant and its potential biological control agents.

Trethowan, P.D., Robertson, M.P., McConnachie, A.J. 2011. Ecological niche modelling of an invasive alien plant and its potential biological control agents. South African Journal of Botany. 77: 137-146.  doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2010.07.007



Predicting the potential distribution of an endangered cryptic subterranean mammal from few occurrence records.

Jackson, C.R. & Robertson, M.P. 2011.  Predicting the potential distribution of an endangered cryptic subterranean mammal from few occurrence records. Journal for Nature Conservation. 19: 87–94.  doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2010.06.006



Predicting invasive alien plant distributions: how geographical bias in occurrence records influences model performance.

Wolmarans, R., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J. 2010. Predicting invasive alien plant distributions: how geographical bias in occurrence records influences model performance. Journal of Biogeography. 37: 1797–1810. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2010.02325.x



A comparative approach to understanding factors limiting abundance patterns and distributions in a fig tree- fig wasp mutualism.

Warren, M., Robertson M.P., Greeff, J.M. 2010. A comparative approach to understanding factors limiting abundance patterns and distributions in a fig tree- fig wasp mutualism. Ecography 33: 148-158. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.06041.x



Getting the most out of atlas data.

Robertson, M.P., Cumming, G.S., Erasmus, B.F.N. 2010.  Getting the most out of atlas data. Diversity and Distributions. 16: 363–375.  doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2010.00639.x



Ecological niche and potential geographic distribution of the invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens (Diptera,Tephritidae).

De Meyer, M., Robertson, M.P., Mansell, M.W., Ekesi, S., Tsuruta, K., Mwaik, W., Vayssières, J-F., Peterson, A.T. 2010. Ecological niche and potential geographic distribution of the invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens (Diptera,Tephritidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research. 100: 35-48.  doi:10.1017/S0007485309006713



The impact of climate change on the southern African Important Bird Areas network.

Coetzee, B.W.T., Robertson M.P., Erasmus, B.F.N., van Rensburg, B.J., Thuiller, W. 2009. The impact of climate change on the southern African Important Bird Areas network. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 18: 701-710. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2009.00485.x



Biotic homogenization and alien bird species along an urban gradient in South Africa.

van Rensburg, B.J.,  Peacock, D.S., Robertson, M.P. 2009. Biotic homogenization and alien bird species along an urban gradient in South Africa. Landscape and Urban Planning. 92: 233-241. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.05.002



Insights into torpor and behavioural thermoregulation of the endangered Juliana’s golden mole.

Jackson, C.R., Setsaas, T.H., Robertson, M.P.,  Scantlebury, M., Bennett, N.C. 2009. Insights into torpor and behavioural thermoregulation of the endangered Juliana’s golden mole. Journal of Zoology. 278: 299–307. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2009.00575.x



Ecology and management of alien plant invasions in South African fynbos: accommodating key complexities in objective decision making.

Roura-Pascual, N., Richardson, D.M., Krug, R.M., Brown, A., Chapman, R.A., Forsyth, G.G., Le Maitre, D.C., Robertson, M.P., Stafford, L., van Wilgen, B.W., Wannenburgh, A., Wessels, N.,  2009. Ecology and management of alien plant invasions in South African fynbos: accommodating key complexities in objective decision making. Biological Conservation.142: 1595–1604. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.02.029



Ecological variables governing habitat quality and the distribution of the endangered Juliana’s Golden Mole.

Jackson, C.R., Setsaas, T.H., Robertson, M.P., Bennett N.C. 2008. Ecological variables governing habitat quality and the distribution of the endangered Juliana’s Golden Mole. African Zoology. 43: 245-255. doi:10.1080/15627020.2008.11657241



Climate matching techniques to narrow the search for biological control agents.

Robertson, M.P., Kriticos, D.J., Zachariades, C., 2008. Climate matching techniques to narrow the search for biological control agents. Biological Control. 46: 442–452.  doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2008.04.002



Human activity facilitates altitudinal expansion of exotic plants along a road in montane grassland, South Africa.

Kalwij, J.M., Robertson, M.P., van Rensburg, B.J. 2008. Human activity facilitates altitudinal expansion of exotic plants along a road in montane grassland, South Africa. Applied Vegetation Science. 11: 491-498. doi:10.3170/2008-7-18555



Ecological Niches and Potential Geographic Distributions of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) and Natal fruit fly (Ceratitis rosa).

De Meyer, M., Robertson, M.P., Peterson, A.T., Mansell, M.W. 2008. Ecological Niches and Potential Geographic Distributions of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) and Natal fruit fly (Ceratitis rosa). Journal of Biogeography. 15: 270-281. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2007.01769.x



Soil properties limiting the distribution of the critically endangered Juliana’s Golden Mole (Neamblysomus julianae).

Jackson, C.R., Lubbe, N.R, Robertson, M.P., Setsaas, T.H., Bennett, N.C., van der Waals J.H. 2008.  Soil properties limiting the distribution of the critically endangered Juliana’s Golden Mole (Neamblysomus julianae). Journal of Zoology. 274: 13-17. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2007.00351.x



The distribution and spread of the invasive alien Common Myna Acridotheres tristis, L (Aves: Sturnidae) in southern Africa.

Peacock, D.S., van Rensburg, B.J., Robertson M.P. 2007. The distribution and spread of the invasive alien Common Myna Acridotheres tristis, L (Aves: Sturnidae) in southern Africa. South African Journal of Science. 103: 465-473. 



Invasion of grasslands by silver wattle, Acacia dealbata (Mimosaceae) alters beetle (Coleoptera) assemblage structure.

Coetzee, B.W.T., van Rensburg, B.J., Robertson M.P. 2007. Invasion of grasslands by silver wattle, Acacia dealbata (Mimosaceae) alters beetle (Coleoptera) assemblage structure. African Entomology. 15: 328-339. doi:10.4001/1021-3589-15.2.328



A technique for evaluating species richness maps generated from collections data.

Robertson, M.P. & Barker N.P. 2006. A technique for evaluating species richness maps generated from collections data. South African Journal of Science. 102: 77-84. 



A fuzzy classification technique for predicting species’ distributions: applications using invasive alien plants and indigenous insects. 

Robertson, M.P., Villet, M.H. & Palmer, A.R. 2004.  A fuzzy classification technique for predicting species’ distributions: applications using invasive alien plants and indigenous insects.  Diversity and Distributions. 10: 461-474. doi:10.1111/j.1366-9516.2004.00108.x



IsiXhosa insect names from the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Mkize, N., Villet, M.H. & Robertson, M.P. 2003. IsiXhosa insect names from the Eastern Cape, South Africa. African Entomology. 11: 261-276.



The distribution of Scaevola plumieri along the South African coast is limited by seasonal water balance and temperature.

Peter, C.I., Ripley, B.S. & Robertson, M.P. 2003. The distribution of Scaevola plumieri along the South African coast is limited by seasonal water balance and temperature. Journal of Vegetation Science. 164: 153-167. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2003.tb02131.x



Comparing models for predicting species’ potential distributions: a case study using correlative and mechanistic predictive modelling techniques.

Robertson, M.P., Peter, C.I., Villet, M.H. & Ripley, B.S. 2003. Comparing models for predicting species’ potential distributions: a case study using correlative and mechanistic predictive modelling techniques. Ecological Modelling. 16:153-167. doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00028-0



A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa.

Robertson, M.P., Villet, M.H., Palmer, A.R., Fairbanks, D.H.K., Henderson, L., Higgins, S., Hoffmann, J.H., Le Maitre, D.M., Riggs, I., Shackleton, C.M. & Zimmermann, H.G.  2003.  A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa. South African Journal of Science. 99: 37-43. 



Predicting the extent of succulent thicket under current and future climate scenarios. 

Robertson, M.P. & Palmer, A.R. 2002. Predicting the extent of succulent thicket under current and future climate scenarios.  African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 19: 21-28.  doi:10.2989/10220110209485771



A PCA-based modelling technique for predicting environmental suitability for organisms from presence records.

Robertson, M.P., Caithness, N. & Villet, M.H., 2001. A PCA-based modelling technique for predicting environmental suitability for organisms from presence records. Diversity and Distributions. 7: 15-27. doi:10.1046/j.1472-4642.2001.00094.x



Rural self-reliance in Bondolfi, Zimbabwe: the role of beekeeping.

Nel, E.L., Illgner, P.M., Wilkins, K. & Robertson, M.P. 2000. Rural self-reliance in Bondolfi, Zimbabwe: the role of beekeeping. The Geographical Journal. 166: 26-34. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4959.2000.tb00004.x



Beekeeping and local self-reliance in rural southern Africa.

Illgner, P.M., Nel, E.L. & Robertson, M.P. 1998. Beekeeping and local self-reliance in rural southern Africa. The Geographical Review. 88: 349-362. doi:10.1111/j.1931-0846.1998.tb00112.x



Discriminant analysis of the honeybee populations of southwestern Africa.

Radloff, S.E., Hepburn, H.R., Robertson, M.P., van Hille, R., Davidson, Z. & Villet, M.H. 1996.  Discriminant analysis of the honeybee populations of southwestern Africa. African Entomology. 5: 19-27.